Published on April 30, 2012 by Alexandru Juncu
Tagged: CLI, bash, shell, terminal, tmux, screen, jobs, fg, pushd, popd

Most Linux users prefer to use the CLI because of its efficiency. But the days of the single terminal in which you had your shell are long gone. Users take advantage of the GUI and use graphical terminals like gnome-terminal, konsole or similar utilities, to start several shell instances. For example if you are a programmer, you might want to have one instance for the editor (with the code you are working on), another one to test and debug the compiled executable and – maybe – another for the documentation (man pages). If you are a system administrator you might have a shell with the configuration file of a service, one you use to test the running service, and maybe one shell connected to another server. But, having a lot of windows (or tabs) can get confusing.

Some prefer to optimize their environment and use a CLI-oriented Window Manager, like xmonad, to productively manage windows without the use of the mouse. But what if you can only get access to a single terminal, like in the case of a SSH client to a remote host? What if you don’t have a GUI, when configuring a server on-site? Or what if you just like to have one terminal window opened? What you can do is install terminal multiplexing programs like screen or tmux. These programs fork several shell instances behind your primary shell instance and you can switch between them using keyboard shortcuts. Or you can learn to make use of things your shell (bash, for example) already offers you.

Lesson 1: Don’t close things that you will open again soon.

If you are using your editor to write code or to change a configuration file and you want to compile the code or restart a service and test the result, you can send your editor into background with the CTRL-Z keyboard shortcut, that sends a SIGTSTOP signal to the process. You can run other command and then return to your edited file with the fg command. You may have several tasks in background for that shell instance. You can use the jobs command to see them and their jobid, and you can send a specific job in foreground with fg $JOBID.

Some processes can not be sent into background with the CTRL-Z shortcut. For example, if you have a ssh connection to a remote server where the CTRL-Z will run not on the local host but on the remote host. In this case you will need to use the escape sequence of [ENTER]~ and then send the CTRL-Z signal (you you need to press Enter, then the ~ key, then the CTRL and Z keys together).

Always try to take advantage of the current process’ features. For example you can run make from a vim (or actually run any commands by prefixing them with a !) and you can kill a process from inside a top or htop process.

Lesson 2: Save paths for directories you need.

Unlike a GUI, in a CLI you can go directly to a specific directory from the current one by cd-ing to an absolute or relative path (not going one directory at a time like in the GUI). But you shouldn’t always have to type the path. If you are going back and forth between two directories, use the cd - command to change directory to the last working directory you were in.

If you have several directories you are going to go through, but you know you will return to a specific one, you can use the directory stack to save that directory. You can pushd $DIR a directory into the stack and then popd to change into the top-of-stack directory.

Also, you can always use the reverse history (CTRL-R) to reuse commands already given.

rosedu:~# cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/
rosedu:/etc/apache2/sites-available# cd /var/www/
rosedu:/var/www# cd -
rosedu:/etc/apache2/sites-available# pushd
/etc/apache2/sites-available /etc/apache2/sites-available
rosedu:/etc/apache2/sites-available# cd /home
rosedu:/home# cd /etc/
rosedu:/etc# popd

Lesson 3: Always know who and where you are.

Some people open different terminals to keep track of what they are doing or where they are (and not change the location inside that terminal). The shell is made for having its current directory changes and it helps you know where you are with the prompt. A normal prompt looks like user@host:current_path$. It’s important to know with what user and on what machine you are logged in. The $ and # characters will show you what privileges you have (either limited or administrator). The current\_path is usually the name of the current directory (but it can sometimes be a full path). If that doesn’t provide you enough information, use the pwd command to print the working directory or setup the PS1 variabile to include more information.

Shells like bash have lots of not so well known tricks. But if you learn those tricks, they will make your life easier.

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