Published on September 25, 2011 by Alex Morega
Tagged: python, virtualenv, pip

This article is a quick guide to setting up a Python work environment. It walks you through installing Python with some basic package management tools (distribute, pip, virtualenv), setting up projects, and installing packages.


First of all we need to have a working Python interpreter. You want to install the latest release of 2.7 for now (September 2011). Python 3 is gathering momentum but many libraries don’t support it yet.

  • In most Linux distributions, and in Mac OS, some Python is already installed. You may, of course, install a different one from scratch. For Mac OS, the homebrew version is highly recommended.
  • On Windows you can install a pre-compiled release from
  • To install from source, you need a C compiler, and a tarball from The usual ./configure; make; make install should work just fine. Consider installing into a separate folder, e.g. ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Python-2.7, so you can easily remove it at some point in the future.

Now, the typical mistake is to declare victory, and use this Python installation for everything. In time, you want to use various libraries, so you install them on top of Python. Eventually you get a version conflict (some project requires a library which is too new for another project). Fortunately there is a better way: virtualenv.

The command-line examples use $MYPYTHON as placeholder for the Python installation path. This can be /usr for a Linux distribution install, /usr/local for default manual installation, /usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.2 for mac Homebrew, or even C:\Python27 on Windows.

If you’re on Linux, and use a Python package from the distribution, it’s a good bet they have virtualenv too. For Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora, the name is python-virtualenv. This may be outdated, so if you experience problems, check the version and consider installing the latest one (see below).

In a fresh Python installation, to get virtualenv, we need to install distribute and pip first. distribute is an older package manager, and pip is newer and more powerful, but it depends on the older one to do heavy lifting. So, download, and, assuming you installed Python in a folder called $MYPYTHON, do the following:

$ $MYPYTHON/bin/python
$ $MYPYTHON/bin/easy_install pip
$ $MYPYTHON/bin/pip install virtualenv

If everything worked out fine, you should have a script called virtualenv in $MYPYTHON/bin, and you can safely remove and distribute-x.y.z.tar.gz.

That’s all you normally install in the global Python folder. Maybe throw in some commonly-used, slow-to-change, takes-a-while-to-compile package like PIL or SciPy, or the odd manually-installed kits on Windows, but everything else goes into a virtualenv.

Virtual insanity

Say you want to work on WoUSO, and the documentation tells you that you need to install Django. The very first thing you do is create a virtualenv. We’ll use $MYENV as placeholder for the path to a new folder where you want to work:

$ $MYPYTHON/bin/virtualenv $MYENV

virtualenv will create the folder, write some files, then run off and get distribute and pip; it should all take a few seconds. When it’s done, you have $MYENV/bin/python, which is a fully functional Python interpreter. Next to it, there is $MYENV/bin/pip, which you can now use to install things:

$ $MYENV/bin/pip install Django

This will go to PyPI, look for a package named Django, and install the latest version. The installation happens inside $MYENV, in the lib/python2.7/site-packages subfolder. This Django doesn’t affect the original Python installation or any other virtualenvs you create. Of course, multiple virtualenvs can have different versions of Django.

Bits and pieces

Now, if you start happily creating many virtualenvs, installing a lot of packages, you’ll be downloading the same files over and over again. Fortunately, pip can be configured to cache the downloads:

$ cat ~/.pip/pip.conf
download_cache = ~/.pip/cache

Depending on the setup, sometimes you have to deal with globally-installed packages, for example if you’re using the Python from a Linux distribution. It’s still possible to create a virtualenv that ignores those packages by passing the --no-site-packages option to virtualenv. This simply leaves out the global site-packages folder from Python’s import path.

Some projects include a requirements.txt file in their source tree, which lists dependencies. You install these with pip install -r requirements.txt. Writing your own requirements.txt is easy: each line is a set of arguments for one invocation of pip. Or simply run pip freeze, it generates a list of all the installed packages and their versions.

When you get tired of typing $MYENV/bin/something all the time, you may want to activate the virtualenv. This is a fancy name which simply means that $MYENV/bin is prepended to your current $PATH (and your $PS1 is enhanced):

$ . $MYENV/bin/activate
(myenv)$ # "python" invokes "$MYENV/bin/python"
(myenv)$ deactivate
$ # back to the original shell environment

If you find yourself working on a package, the kind that has and installs with pip, you want to install the package in “edit” mode. Check out the source tree, then (assuming you’re in the same folder with run pip install -e .. This will install the package in-place. Technically, a link is made in site-packages that extends Python’s import path to find your package, any dependencies in are installed, and scripts are installed in $MYENV/bin, if the package has any.

Further reading

These wonderful tools are available on PyPI, the Python Package Index. Most of them have good documentation that explains more features that did not fit in this article. Also, remember (behold the table of contents), where you can find documentation on the language, a nice tutorial, and excellent documentation for the standard library.

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